Trying on your wedding hair style

Deciding on your wedding hair style

When you see the wedding hair style that you really like, you will need to try it on. There is nothing worse than putting your hair in an updo on your wedding day and deciding that it looks awful.

Scheduling a trial run: You can set up an appointment with your hair stylist to do a trial wedding hair style run. Schedule this appointment several weeks, even months before your big day. Bring lots of photo examples of the wedding hair style that you like and would like to have.

Advantages of a trial run: One big advantage of a trial run for your wedding hair style is that you will be able to see exactly what your hair will look like with your wedding dress on. Hopefully you will have your wedding dress in hand before your trial run.

You can wear your hair all day long to see how it it going to hold up. If you are wearing a fancy updo and you notice after a few hours that some of the hair pins are irritating you or making your scalp itch, you can make a note of this and address it with the hair stylist.

Many bad hair situations can be avoided with just a little bit of pre-planning.

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